Remembrance in the Holy Masses, prayers, and devotions during the MARCH Novena to SAINT JOSEPH - March 11 - 19.
You are invited to send your prayer intentions, and the names of those you wish remembered in the Holy Masses, prayers, sacrifices, and devotions during the MARCH Novena. Please send your prayer intentions and the names of those you wish remembered (see below) this month and especially during the Novena - or email to:
Any size alms is very much appreciated. These alms help to provide the basic daily needs of this monastery. Our holy vow of poverty makes the monastery dependent upon the kindness and generosity of the Faithful. Thank you and God bless you!
May God reward your kindness and goodness! Be assured a remembrance in all prayers and sacrifices this month - and especially during the Novena. Your prayer requests are always held in strict confidence - between you and God.
“Let us have charity and humility. Let us give alms because these cleanse our souls from the stains of sin. Men lose all the material things they leave behind them in this world, but they carry with them the reward of their charity and the alms they give. For these they will receive from the Lord the reward and recompense they deserve.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi
Alms is defined as - a financial gift or offering given in charity and expecting nothing in return except prayers.
A portion of your kind alms is sent to the elderly retired missionary priests who offer the Masses for you and your intentions during each monthly novena.
You may securely send your MARCH MASS and NOVENA offering - and your prayer requests - by using the boxes and "add to cart" button below. Thank you! God bless you!
Please scroll down for the text box for prayer intentions and for the drop down choices for offerings and the PayPal "add to cart" button.
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Handmade in the Monastery. The Detente Sacramental Badge of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus contains a blessed small Miraculous Medal and a small crucifix - both of which are a GIFT. In 1872, Pope Pius IX granted a 100-day indulgence once a day to all the faithful who wear this pious emblem around their necks and pray an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be. It is customary of those who love to carry with them a sign of their beloved, so the "stop" is a sign of our love for the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus - and of our confidence in its protection against the ambush of the evil one. We say "stop", in the Holy Name of Jesus, to the devil and all evil. Devotion spread among the faithful in 1720, during a terrible plague in Marseilles, France. The use of the Detente spread widely, especially since 1866, during the ravages of the cholera epidemic in Amiens, Roubaix, Cairo - and elsewhere. After the Franco-German war, the "Detente" proved to be, on more than one occasion, a shield that protected many French soldiers from enemy bullets. On the front of the badge are the words "Stop! The Sacred Heart of Jesus is here!" Can also be placed over the doors of homes. Included with each badge is a small booklet containing the origin of this devotion, as well as other information and the Indulgence.
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